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Magnetize and Manifest the Life
You Deserve Today!
Dear Friend,
Let me ask you a very important question.
Why is it that we place our intentions to create success, manage our minds to be more positive, take the necessary action steps towards our goals, yet we still don’t receive the level of success we desire?
I mean, it seems like we’re taking all the proper steps, and we certainly see results, but why don’t we ever get to the ‘dream goal’. Why does our success stop short of, well, real success?
Sabotage! Self-Sabotage! Unconscious Sabotage!
Believe it or not, there is a part of us that sabotages ourselves and only allows us to receive a certain level of success and abundance. If you believe that you only deserve a certain level of success, you will never go beyond those limits.
If you feel that you’re worth only a certain level of success, (consciously or unconsciously) you will never go beyond that level.
I want to end this cycle of sabotage now! You deserve the best in life. PERIOD! And I am committed to you and your success.
I would like to invite you to join us on a 4 week ‘Manifesting and Magnetizing’ Teleseminar series where we will focus on the Keys to Abundance and ending the cycle of self-sabotage.
We will work with the beliefs that hold you back from having the success and abundance that you really do deserve.
We will work with all parts of you to align yourself with success, abundance, well-being, and joy.
During this 4 week Manifesting and Magnetizing course:
You will:
- Learn to turn on your money "magnet" and draw in abundance.
- Reprogram yourself at a cellular level for abundance.
- Awaken your prosperity sub-personality. We will work with the part of you, your sub-personality, to give it a new vision of who you are and what you want.
- Learn to receive, believe you deserve, and open yourself to unlimited joy and prosperity.
- Learn to increase your trust in yourself and the Universe.
- Release your fear of success or failure.
- Imagine success in every area of your life, go beyond any previous limits, and allow yourself to have your dreams.
- Become more confident, accept and love yourself, and feel successful.
- Clear your old beliefs and old programming.
- Work on the energy fields around your body to increase your ability to hold and attract abundance. (increase your vibration).
- Release doubts and fears-become more powerful and confident.
- Let go of any fears that may be holding you back from having abundance.
Pre-registration for Spring 2017 is currently open. Register early as space is limited!
We hold classes 4 times per year Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.
If you are interested in taking this class simply pre-register no payment required for pre-registration. You will be placed on the waiting list for the next available class and we will notify all pre-registrants of the official class dates, you can determine at that time if you would like to join us.
Please Pre-register and we will notify you 1 month in advance of the official start date to give you plenty of time to decide if you would like to join us.
Classes are as follows:
- TIME: 9 pm Eastern
- RECORDINGS: All classes will be recorded in the case you are unable to attend.
This Coaching Program is a $600.00 value, for the special price of $247.00 for a limited time!
"What we are creating in our outer reality is a direct reflection of our relationship with ourselves. Change that relationship, you change your reality."
Dear Christy and Evelyn,
I had a strong intention to create $50K before an important financial meeting that I had and went through the Magnetizing course shortly beforehand. I accomplished that easily!! Then I did it again for $40K. I received $25K and was so grateful and definitely celebrated the closeness of the match. Shortly after receiving the $25K, I discovered that in fact I also received the $40K, but it was not obvious at first. All the while I held the feeling of deserving and peace and surrender. This just feels so amazing and empowering — I’m at a loss for words. LOL
I’ve shared my great news with friends and they are blown away! Actually I am too. I just want to share this with you both because you’ve made this possible for me by taking me into this spectacular QSCA family and teaching me (and the rest of your students) how to be deliberate creators, clear limiting beliefs and evolve. Of course, this is an ongoing journey for us all but I want you to know how absolutely grateful I am to have you in my life as magnificent teachers, mentors, employers and friends. I love you both and am immensely grateful!!
I have to share this with you: I took the class this past summer and visualized $10k that I was creating for myself….and since this summer, I have had more than the $10K coming my way in different forms and my business has never been so successful! I am so grateful for this awesome program you offer! Thank you!
~Carine Kindinger
Hi Christy,
The Magnetizing and Manifesting Class was Fabulous! My instructor, Barbara, has a great “touch” to delivering this message — Kind, Considerate, Thoughtful, Genuine in her Delivery and an excellent guide in leading meditations. I could only attend one of the classes, in person. The other 3 classes I’ve needed to listen to after the class, but that did not lessen the positive impact.
I have meditated and studied/worked with energy for several years. The meditations were some of the best I have experienced and I had a couple of significant a-ha moments in them.
1. I recognized, embraced, and transformed a part of me that was afraid for me to embark on a new path in my life. I’ve been acquainted with her (Sally) for several years, but this was the first time she has become transformed, excited, and happy; while keeping her “grit” and “vigilance.” She is now actively helping me discern, focus and move forward in my new direction. She bounces around my office and travels with me in my car. Love it!
2. My shadow surfaced in a significant way during the “Fear of Success” Meditation. This is the first time I have verbally and energetically interacted with the fear, anger, and resentment, being expressed and could just embrace it.
I have manifested several $300-$400 checks and many free offers to explore, participate in things that I’ve been searching for. It seems the flood gates have just opened and showered me with Everything! Every individual I approach about coaching, they want to participate. I have signed up 6 individuals to date :-)!
It’s been WONDERFUL!
Thanks for what you offer AND how you offer it. Your program is the most professionally organized, run, and delivered! It makes it SO easy and smooth to comprehend and make continual progress.
~Sheila Hamilton
The Manifesting: Keys to Abundance
4-Week Coaching Program will include:
4 Manifesting and Magnetizing Teleseminars
These LIVE Teleseminars will be done over the phone with one of my Certified Law of Attraction coaches and will be approximately 60-90 minutes in length. The Teleseminars will include guided meditations, step-by-step, easy instructions to implement these tools into your daily life, as well as inspirational and motivational messages and teachings. These classes will be with other like-minded individuals so you may share your experiences.
"We can learn so much from others that are experiencing the same processes. It helps us get out of our own minds so we may see beyond our limitations and ourselves. This is why coaching is so important."
Recordings of All Calls:
In case you miss a call or just want a refresher after the call is complete, each call will be professionally recorded and we will email them to you within 24 hours of each call.
Manifesting Activity Book:
You will also receive an activity book so you are able to learn the techniques to apply them in your own life after the coaching sessions have ended.
Classes are scheduled for:
6:00pm Pacific / 9:00pm Eastern
The Manifesting: Keys to Abundance coaching is a life changing experience. I guarantee that you will break through the barriers that have held you back from seeing true success in your life.
We could easily charge $1,200 for this program because it is so profound and life changing. BUT, that’s not what we’re here for. We’re here to be your coach and see that you create the life you deserve.
You will get exclusive access to this life-altering program for only $247!
In order to guarantee that everyone gets the personal attention required to ensure results, I must limit this class to only a handful of participants. So don’t wait another second, click below and reserve your seat for success.
Thank you so much for your time and as always,
I stand for you and your success in life,
Monica Small
PS. Act fast, because there is a limited amount of people that can sign up. Move away from struggle and pain and declare to the Universe that you are ready for ease, effortlessness and absolute joy. Are you ready for ABUNDANCE? Are you ready to turn on your magnet and attract all that you desire?
Join the 4 Week Magnetizing and Manifesting: Keys to Abundance Coaching today! "See" you soon.